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Data Management Insight Webinars

Recorded Webinar: How to maximise the use of data standards and identifiers beyond compliance and in the interests of the business

Data standards and identifiers have become common currency in regulatory compliance, bringing with them improved transparency, efficiency and data quality in reporting. They also contribute to automation. But their value does not end here, with data standards and identifiers being used increasingly for the benefit of the business. This webinar will survey the landscape of...

Recorded Webinar: ESG data sourcing and management to meet your ESG strategy, objectives and timeline

ESG data plays a key role in research, fund product development, fund selection, asset selection, performance tracking, and client and regulatory reporting, yet it is not always easy to source and manage in a complete, transparent and timely manner. This webinar will review the state-of-play on ESG data, consider the challenges of sourcing and managing...

Recorded Webinar: An update on data standards and global identifiers

Data standards and global identifiers have been parts of capital markets’ practices for many years, and more are being developed, reviewed and shaped as the industry acknowledges their role in streamlining data management, reducing risk, improving transparency, and achieving compliance. This webinar will discuss data standards and identifiers in play, as well as those in...

Recorded Webinar: How to gain operational efficiency in corporate actions processing

While the risk associated with corporate actions is well established, many financial institutions continue with manual processing in the back office. More often than not, corporate actions information is manually keyed in and event processing lacks automation. This results in operational inefficiency, and financial risk due to missed events or simply getting it wrong. These...

Recorded Webinar: New opportunities to scale data operations

Faced with tough competition and ongoing pressure on margins, many firms are reviewing their operating models and assessing whether they can reallocate more resources to high-value projects by outsourcing commoditised processes including data operations. This webinar will explore the different approaches that buy-side and sell-side firms are adopting to scale their data operations, including market...

Recorded Webinar: Approaches to ESG data for the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) outlines extensive rules designed to ensure transparency across sustainable financial markets. It also demands huge volumes of non-financial ESG data to be sourced, managed and governed, some of which is difficult to find, and much of which is unstructured and of variable quality. The data challenge is exacerbated...

Recorded Webinar: Data standards and global identifiers update

Data standards and global identifiers are the international language of capital markets – but how widely have they been adopted, how useful are they in practice, and can they stand the test of sustaining stable markets? This webinar will review data standards and global identifiers available in capital markets, discuss their adoption, and consider best...

Recorded Webinar: Strategies, technologies and services for successful corporate actions automation

Rising volumes and increasing complexity of corporate actions are challenging market participants’ efforts to reconcile data, automate corporate actions processing, and contain costs. The culprits causing these challenges include legacy systems, missing skills, manual processes, data quality issues, and a lack of standardisation. Added to these is the increasing complexity of corporate actions such as...

Recorded Webinar: Evolution of data management for the buy-side 2021

The buy-side faced a barrage of regulation in 2020 and is now under pressure to make post-Brexit adjustments and complete LIBOR transition by the end of 2021. To ensure compliance and ease the burden of in-house data management, many firms turned to outsourcing and managed services. But there is more to come, as buy-side firms...

Recorded Webinar: Data management for ESG requirements

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing is moving into the mainstream, requiring asset managers to develop ESG strategies that deliver for both the firm and its investors. While these strategies can outperform those that do not include ESG factors, there is no clear route to success in an immature market that is only just beginning...