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Data Management Insight Webinars

Upcoming Webinar: Augmented data quality: Leveraging AI, machine learning and automation to build trust in your data

Date: 19 September 2024 Time: 10:00am ET / 3:00pm London / 4:00pm CET Duration: 50 minutes Artificial intelligence and machine learning are empowering financial institutions to get more from their data. By augmenting traditional data processes with these new technologies, organisations can automate the detection and mitigation of data issues and errors before they become...

Recorded Webinar: How to maximise the use of data standards and identifiers beyond compliance and in the interests of the business

Data standards and identifiers have become common currency in regulatory compliance, bringing with them improved transparency, efficiency and data quality in reporting. They also contribute to automation. But their value does not end here, with data standards and identifiers being used increasingly for the benefit of the business. This webinar will survey the landscape of...

Recorded Webinar: The roles of cloud and managed services in optimising enterprise data management

Cloud and managed services go hand-in-hand when it comes to modern enterprise data management (EDM), but how can the best solutions for the business be selected and implemented to ensure optimal data management based on accurate, consistent, and high-quality data, and delivering improved efficiency, better decisions and competitive advantage? This webinar will answer these questions,...

Recorded Webinar: Real world data governance – Practical strategies for data ownership

The theories of data governance and ownership are well rehearsed. Essentially, data governance includes rules and processes that make data accurate, compliant and accessible, ensuring the right users can access trusted data as and when they need it. Data ownership assigns responsibility and accountability for a specific dataset to an individual or team that can...

Recorded Webinar: Best practice approaches to integrating legacy data with the cloud

Acceleration of cloud adoption, increasing demand for digital transformation and real-time data management have led financial institutions to rethink their data infrastructure to enable more agile operating models that can respond faster to change and make data a competitive advantage. For many, integrating data from legacy systems and data across the business landscape with a...

Recorded Webinar: How to leverage data lineage for actionable business insights

Data lineage is a must-have for financial institutions, but is it being used to its greatest extent, and is it delivering actionable business insights that inform product development and support competitive advantage? This webinar will address these questions, looking first at the status quo of data lineage across capital markets, and moving on to discuss...

Recorded Webinar: New opportunities to scale data operations

Faced with tough competition and ongoing pressure on margins, many firms are reviewing their operating models and assessing whether they can reallocate more resources to high-value projects by outsourcing commoditised processes including data operations. This webinar will explore the different approaches that buy-side and sell-side firms are adopting to scale their data operations, including market...

Recorded Webinar: Multi-cloud environments – How to maximise data value while keeping on the right side of privacy and security

Multi-cloud environments have much to offer beyond single-vendor cloud setups, including the benefits of access to a variety of best-in-class cloud solutions, opportunities for price optimisation, greater flexibility and scalability, better risk management, and crucially, increased performance and availability. On the downside, multiple cloud vendors in a technology stack can cause complexity, more vulnerabilities, and...

Recorded Webinar: Taking a holistic approach to buy-side data management

As data volumes and complexity continue to increase, buy-side data management is at an inflection point. Manual processes and data siloes are no longer fit for purpose, and firms need to take a more holistic approach to data management that not only reduces manual intervention and cost, but also increases data access and accuracy for...

Recorded Webinar: Best practices for creating an effective data quality control framework

Data quality is critical to capital markets processes from identifying counterparties to building customer relationships, regulatory reporting, and ultimately improving the bottom line. It can also be extremely difficult to achieve. One solution is a data quality control framework that includes an automated and systematic process that monitors the state of data quality and ensures...