Wall Street Horizon, a provider of global corporate event data, has expanded its data coverage to include all common stocks traded on Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange. This increases its data universe by 15%, totalling over 11,000 publicly traded companies worldwide.
Wall Street Horizon, a TMX company, offers more than 40 corporate event types including flagship earnings and dividend calendars. The extended event data coverage features small/medium cap equities and provides insight to parts of the market that previously received little exposure.
“Full TMX Canadian stock coverage for highly accurate corporate event data is essential for our buy-side clients to monitor their comprehensive watchlists, which include midcap and microcap stocks,” says Dominic Dowd, vice president, TMX Datalinx Product, Strategy & Analytics. “In a similar vein, we are actively reviewing client driven opportunities to expand our global event coverage in additional markets such as London, Hong Kong and India.”
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