2025 Categories

February 2025


TradingTech Insight Awards - Europe 2025 Categories and Descriptions

Nominations for TradingTech Insight Awards – Europe can be made by financial institutions, our Advisory Board and the TradingTech solution providers themselves in the following categories:

Best Low Latency Data Feed

Vendors of low-latency data delivery systems.

Best Consolidated Market Data Feed

Vendors of consolidated market data feeds.

Best High Performance Data Feed Handler

Vendors of low-latency data feed handlers.

Best Machine-Readable News Supplier

Vendors of machine-readable new for consumption by trading algorithms, analytics and execution systems.

Best Cloud-Based Market Data Delivery Solution

Vendors of market data delivery solutions hosted in a public cloud environment.

Best Managed Services Solution for Trading

Vendors providing trading-related capabilities on a managed services basis.

Best Overall Market Data Provider

Vendors of comprehensive real-time market data services and related financial information for traders via terminal or data feed/API.

Best Market Data Inventory Platform

Vendors of platforms for managing subscriptions and entitlements to market data and other financial information services.

Best Specialist Market Data Consultancy

Consultancies providing advice on sourcing and management of market data for trading firms.

Best Trading Analytics Platform

Vendors of analytics solutions for the trading environment.

Best Digital Assets Trading Solution

Vendors of solutions designed specifically for trading digital assets

Best Matching Engine for Cryptocurrency Trading Venues

Vendors of matching engines designed specifically for venues trading cryptocurrency

Best Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Tool

Vendors of transaction cost analysis (TCA) tools.

Best Trade Reconstruction Solution

Vendors of trade reconstruction tools that can recreate market situations for evidencing best execution.

Best Market Simulation Solution

Vendors of simulations to enable back-testing of trading algorithms.

Best Desktop Environment for Interoperability

Vendors of solutions or platforms that facilitate interoperability of desktop applications.

Best Integration Platform for Interoperability

Vendors of solutions or platforms that facilitate interoperability of applications across the enterprise.

Best Order Routing Network Operator

Operators of networks for routing buy-side trade orders.

Best Equities Trading Solution

Vendors of platforms, solutions and applications for trading in listed equities and related securities.

Best Matching Engine for Exchanges and Electronic Trading Venues

Vendors of matching engines for exchanges, multilateral trading facilities (MTFs), dark pools, systematic internalisers (SIs) and other electronic trading venues.

Most Innovative Approach to Sustainability in Trading

Vendors or service providers that have demonstrated an innovative approach to sustainability in trading.

Best Trade/Transaction-Reporting Solution

Vendors of solutions that provide firms with systems to generate and execute their mandatory trade/transaction reporting requirements to regulators.

Best Trade Surveillance Solution

Vendors of solutions that capture, monitor and analyse trade data for surveillance and regulatory compliance.

Best eComms Surveillance Solution

Vendors of solutions that provide voice and mobile message channels for regulatory compliance purposes.

Best Buy-Side EMS

Vendors of execution management systems (EMS) to asset managers, hedge funds and other buy-side financial institutions.

Best Sell-Side EMS

Vendors of execution management systems (EMS) to investment banks, broker/dealers and other sell-side financial institutions.

Best Buy-Side OMS

Vendors of order management systems (OMS) to asset managers, hedge funds and other buy-side financial institutions.

Best Sell-Side OMS

Vendors of order management systems (OMS) to investment banks, broker/dealers and other sell-side financial institutions.

Best Foreign Exchange (FX) Trading Solution

Vendors of trading solutions for trading in currencies and FX derivatives.

Best Fixed Income Trading Solution

Vendors of trading solutions for trading in bonds and rates markets.

Best Smart Order Routing Application

Vendors of smart order routing (SOR) solutions that automate the selection of best available trading venues and are designed to improve fill rates and trade execution.

Best Time Stamping/Latency Measurement System

Vendors of solutions for measuring messaging latency across trading networks and infrastructures.

Best Trading Infrastructure Monitoring Platform

Vendors of solutions for performance monitoring and trouble-shooting for trading infrastructures.

Best High Performance Network Services

Vendors providing low-latency network services for trading connectivity.

Best Specialist Trading Technology Consultancy

Consultancies dedicated to trading technology.

Best Provider of Broker Market Data

Vendors of solutions that distribute market data generated by brokers.

Best Managed Services Solution for Market Data

Vendors providing market data on a managed service basis.

Best Price Sharing & Publishing Solution

Vendors of solutions or services that enable real-time publishing of data and analytics.

Best Pre-Trade Risk Controls Provider

Vendors of pre-trade checking systems to prevent breach of agreed trader limits.

Best FIX Engine Provider

Vendors of FIX protocol-based messaging infrastructure.

Best Listed Derivatives Trading Solution

Vendors of platforms, solutions and applications for trading on-exchange listed derivatives.

Best OTC Derivatives Trading Solution

Vendors of platforms, solutions and applications for trading in OTC derivative securities.

Best Solution for ETF Trading

Vendors of platforms, solutions and applications for trading in exchange-traded funds.

Best Commodities Trading Solution

Vendors of platforms, solutions and applications for trading physical commodities and commodity derivatives.

Best Energy Trading Solution

Vendors of platforms, solutions and applications for trading in power, oil and gas.

Best Platform for Electronic Market Making

Vendors of platforms, solutions and applications for market-making.