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Next-Generation Network and Vendor Management: mitigating operational risk in relationship networks

The complex network of relationships that financial institutions have built with multiple partners has created a huge operational burden, resulting in significant operational risk as well as financial and compliance risk. Dating back decades, many of these relationships are now managed as a separate business function, costing organisations millions of dollars. Add in regulatory obligations,…

Practical Data Strategies for meeting ESG Obligations in Financial Services

The ESG investing landscape is poised to become more defined, as competing definitions, standards and regulatory initiatives start to converge. The impact of ESG will be felt far and wide across the financial services community, which will face practical challenges in developing and implementing an ESG strategy that is both effective and avoids box-ticking –…

Data integrity: Your key to confidence in a complex regulatory environment

Despite the recent challenges of the Covid pandemic, regulators have made it clear that they will not accept reporting errors, particularly those that are related to data. Enforcement is more stringent, scrutiny is more in-depth, and the pressure is on to ensure – and demonstrate – that the data underpinning your reporting and activities is…

Embracing Automation and Collaboration Tools to Inject Reference Data into the Trade Lifecycle

Digital transformation in the financial services sector has raised many questions around data, including the cost and volume of reference data required by each financial institution. Firms need flexible access to the reference data required to ensure workflows can proceed without interruption. ‘One-size-fits-all’ bulk data licensing models are increasingly less fit for purpose. Emerging solutions…

Can ‘Observational Learning’ Help Improve Data Quality?

Data quality is a pre-requisite for financial institutions seeking to automate their operations. But given the huge volumes of transaction data, often in a wide array of formats, it is very difficult to achieve. Can newer AI-based techniques such as observational learning actually help or are they just hype? This white paper explores: What observational…

How to leverage the LIBOR transition to improve your data management game

The final goodbye to Libor has been described as the Y2K moment for data managers in financial services – and with the phase-out slated for the end of 2021, firms need to act now to ensure a smooth transition. The replacement of Libor with alternative benchmarks presents an immense challenge for financial institutions, especially given…

A Holistic View of Risk Across the Enterprise: How Data Linkages Help

Gaining a comprehensive view of their risk exposures has long been a challenge for financial institutions. Standard measures have been embraced to measure and manage market risk, and the emergence of a standard legal entity identifier in the form of the LEI has gone some way toward addressing the issues of counterparty and credit risk…

Adopting AI for Superior Reconciliations

Firms’ reconciliation and exceptions management processes are manually intensive, expensive and prone to error. With rising compliance costs and greater competition narrowing margins in financial services, firms are looking to streamline their reconciliations processes through automation, giving them the opportunity to reduce the number of exceptions they manage and the time it takes to deal…

Vendor Contract Compliance: The Importance of Getting it Right

Understanding in-house consumption of vendor data and ensuring compliance with multiple contracts for market data and other information can be challenging, particularly for financial institutions managing large volumes of contract clauses across hundreds of suppliers. The contract compliance problem often revolves around institutions’ lack of transparency into actual data usage of information services they pay…

Harmonising the Approach to Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance is key to financial institutions, but it can be costly and difficult to achieve in an environment where new regulations are constantly on the horizon and must be implemented efficiently and effectively. This White Paper, sponsored by Thomson Reuters and based on a survey of close to 70 senior data managers, discusses how…