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TraderServe Briefing Note – Flash Crash and Non-Live Testing

We all know about the Flash Crash of 2010, but rather than it being the fault of one individual, this paper presents analysis of the trading day and puts it down to a ‘perfect storm’ of four factors. And it suggests that the Flash Crash could have been avoided if MiFID II’s non-live testing requirements…

What’s Missing from your Client Onboarding Process?

There’s now a spotlight shining on the process of client onboarding due to regulations that are driving change in what is typically a fragmented and decentralised approach. While many firms recognise that getting their onboarding house in order is essential to achieving regulatory compliance and avoiding hefty penalties, addressing those functions in isolation is not…

How to Create an Agile Trading System

High speed, low latency trading connectivity is no longer enough to differentiate you from your competitors – so how do you add value to your trading systems? How can you create a trading platform that is: Flexible enough to accommodate the transaction lifecycle? Powerful enough to deliver the analytics for better informed trading decisions? Fast…

IFRS & AIFMD – Managing the Pricing and Transparency Paradigm

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) present the market with a broad and complex range of obligations. In many cases these are the first set of common obligations that will impact Fund Managers, Hedge Funds, Asset Managers, Fund Administrators & Custodians all at the same time! Going…

How to Ensure the Integrity of Your Contributions Data

Do you worry about the validity and integrity of the data you contribute either to benchmarks like Libor or indexes, or to markets like the exchange-like Swap Execution Facilities (SEFs)? Or about the quality of the data you are selling to clients? With a marketplace growing in complexity, and more and more rules coming from…

Have you figured out a single view of customer data yet?

Are you feeling the pressure from regulators to sort out your entity data but are frustrated knowing that the promised LEI solution is far from ready? What can you do in the meantime? Some financial institutions are meeting the regulatory requirements by establishing a single client view by cross-referencing data sources to help them achieve their entity data management…

Getting a Grip on Benchmark Contributions

A discussion of the issues surrounding bank-contributed market information for benchmarks and indexes. Recent scandals involving bank-contributed financial information – most notably 2010’s discovery of fraudulent contributions to the widely used the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) benchmark – have underscored the lack of transparency and lack of control of the rates and prices financial…

Getting Ahead in Fund Pricing

Faced with greater regulatory scrutiny, increasing workloads, more sophisticated client requirements and continued pressure on costs, fund administrators are heavily challenged to improve their operational efficiency across alternative and traditional funds to keep service quality levels high. With fund managers looking again to create new products, fund administrators are in a unique position to act…

Valuing High-Yield Corporate Credit in the New Regulatory Environment

The 2013 regulatory environment is putting increased pressure on valuations for speculative-grade corporate credit, namely high-yield bonds, leveraged loans and collateralized loan obligations (CLOs). Not only is the final price under greater scrutiny, financial firms will now be required to defend their methodologies on harder-to-price securities. With transparency having become the new regulatory buzzword, pricing…