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Viewpoints on Latency – I Am Not a Number – May 2011

The “Three Ms of Latency” are a set of essential steps that turn the data that’s derived from a roster of tools – including those from contributors Corvil and TS-Associates – into meaningful, actionable information that can be leveraged to boost one’s business. The Three Ms of Latency are: Measure, Monitor and Manage. It all…

Informatica, HP and Mellanox Benchmark Report

This white paper was written by Informatica, HP, and Mellanox Technologies. The securities trading market is experiencing rapid growth in volume and complexity with a greater reliance on trading software, which is supported by sophisticated algorithms. As this market grows, so do the trading volumes, bringing existing IT infrastructure systems to their limits. Trading technology…

Issue 7: Low Latency – Are You Performing?

Low latency technologies continue to be deployed by the financial markets – driven by the need to adopt them simply to stay in the trading game, and hopefully win at it. But low latency covers a wide range of components – from networks, to server hardware, to operating systems and middleware, to middleware, and to…

Issue 5: Low Latency – Are You Performing?

Market data rates are skyrocketing. Just a few milliseconds make the difference between an optimal order fill and enough slippage to wipe out profit. New opportunities are opening up to leverage high frequency markets. New applications are being deployed atop of low latency architectures. Performance – in every sense – is key to playing in…

Issue 4: Low Latency – Are You Performing?

Market data rates are skyrocketing. Just a few milliseconds make the difference between an optimal order fill and enough slippage to wipe out profit. New opportunities are opening up to leverage high frequency markets. New applications are being deployed atop of low latency architectures. Performance – in every sense – is key to playing in…

Issue 3: Low Latency – Are You Performing?

Market data rates are skyrocketing. Just a few milliseconds make the difference between an optimal order fill and enough slippage to wipe out profit. New opportunities are opening up to leverage high frequency markets. New applications are being deployed atop of low latency architectures. Performance – in every sense – is key to playing in…

Issue 2: Low Latency – Are You Performing?

Market data rates are skyrocketing. Just a few milliseconds make the difference between an optimal order fill and enough slippage to wipe out profit. New opportunities are opening up to leverage high frequency markets. New applications are being deployed atop of low latency architectures. Performance – in every sense – is key to playing in…

Issue 1: Low Latency – Are You Performing?

Market data rates are skyrocketing. Just a few milliseconds make the difference between an optimal order fill and enough slippage to wipe out profit. New opportunities are opening up to leverage high frequency markets. New applications are being deployed atop of low latency architectures. Performance – in every sense – is key to playing in…