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Next-Generation Network and Vendor Management: mitigating operational risk in relationship networks

The complex network of relationships that financial institutions have built with multiple partners has created a huge operational burden, resulting in significant operational risk as well as financial and compliance risk. Dating back decades, many of these relationships are now managed as a separate business function, costing organisations millions of dollars. Add in regulatory obligations,…

Data integrity: Your key to confidence in a complex regulatory environment

Despite the recent challenges of the Covid pandemic, regulators have made it clear that they will not accept reporting errors, particularly those that are related to data. Enforcement is more stringent, scrutiny is more in-depth, and the pressure is on to ensure – and demonstrate – that the data underpinning your reporting and activities is…

Embracing Automation and Collaboration Tools to Inject Reference Data into the Trade Lifecycle

Digital transformation in the financial services sector has raised many questions around data, including the cost and volume of reference data required by each financial institution. Firms need flexible access to the reference data required to ensure workflows can proceed without interruption. ‘One-size-fits-all’ bulk data licensing models are increasingly less fit for purpose. Emerging solutions…

Reference Data Usage Management for Financial Institutions

The ongoing struggle to track reference data usage and implement controls to manage and permission access to the data means many financial institutions lack visibility and understanding of how data services are being used by staff, teams, business units and IT applications. This can have expensive and potentially damaging consequences in terms of unexpected invoices…

The Current State of Buy-Side Enterprise Data Management

The advent of enterprise data management (EDM) held up the promise of more streamlined operations, improved cost efficiencies and a tighter rein on data access. But after a decade spent trying to implement EDM, few investment managers feel they are getting the control, quality or insights they were expecting. According to an A-Team survey of…

Contractual Rights Management: It’s Time to Take Control of Data Usage

Contractual rights management has become a hot topic in financial information and market data circles following a number of public instances involving high-profile financial institutions breaching licensing agreements with data vendors – and paying the price with both significant financial penalties and damaged reputations. A potential solution for contractual rights management is the emerging Open…

Optimising Market Data Subscriptions with Usage Monitoring

As lines of business demand access to more market data and firms seek to cut the overall cost of data services, the need to understand what market data services are being accessed and used becomes imperative to optimising data subscriptions. This is a challenge, but is made more difficult in an environment where new data…

Breaking the EDM Mould

The regulatory drive for transparency across capital markets is pushing traditional enterprise data management (EDM) solutions, such as data warehouse platforms and extract, transform and load (ETL) systems, towards breaking point. An emerging and disruptive approach to EDM is based on open source high-performance data bus technologies that are particularly good at ingesting and routing…

Managing Enterprise Data and Subscriptions Spend

Financial institutions consume a broad range of services on a subscription basis to meet their business needs. These include market data and electronic information services, subscriptions for print and web-based publications, and increasingly, consultancy, software, hardware and telecommunications services. As consumption rises, so too can costs, calling on firms to take a proactive approach to…

8-Step Guide to Choosing the Right Market Data Inventory Platform

Market data inventory platforms have been used by financial institutions to track, manage and control market data for decades, but as technology has developed, so too have inventory platforms, raising questions about the capabilities of current solutions and pointing to the possibilities of migrating to more modern platforms. This White Paper, sponsored by TRG, considers…