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TradingTech Insight Special Reports

Connecting to Today’s Fast Markets

At the same time, the growth of high frequency and event-driven trading techniques is spurring demand for direct feed services sourced from exchanges and other trading venues, including alternative trading systems and multilateral trading facilities. Handling these high-speed data feeds its presenting market data managers and their infrastructure teams with a challenge: how to manage a broad range of low-latency data and connectivity services while maintaining high levels of trading performance?

Figuring out the answers to these questions has kept the financial technology community on its toes over the past year, as the vision of low-latency connectivity snowballed into reality. The modernisation of exchange and ATS trading platforms has played a pivotal role in this migration.

NYSE Euronext’s introduction of its UTP platform, Nasdaq OMX’s rollout of Inet, the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s launch of Arrowhead and the London Stock Exchange’s planned replacement of TradElect with new acquisition MillenniumIT’s trading platform; all have contributed to the shift to fast markets. So too have the credibility of ATSs/MTFs like Chi-X Europe, Bats and others, whose fast trading platforms have attracted enough liquidity to push established exchanges into action.

High-speed connectivity for electronic trading and market data delivery is a reality and it’s here to stay.

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