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Hibernia Goes Live With NYSE/Nasdaq Link, Co-Lo

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Hibernia Atlantic has gone live with a new fast fibre optic link, connecting Nasdaq’s data centre at 1400 Federal Boulevard in Carteret, NJ, with a popular carrier hotel at 165 Halsey Street in Newark, NJ, where NYSE Euronext maintains a point of presence for its SFTI network, which connects into its matching engines.

Hibernia is offering dark fibre between Carteret and Newark via a new direct route that it owns, cutting round trip latency to a SLA time of 239 microseconds. The company also plans to offer lit services once it selects an optical switch vendor to partner with.

As well as connectivity, Hibernia has also created a co-lo centre at 165 Halsey, where it is offering equipment cages, and rental of half or full rack spaces on 1, 3 and 5-year leases, as well as cross-connects to the building’s meet-me network room.

For trading firms looking to implement arbitrage strategies that trade securities listed on both exchanges, or cash/options strategies using Nasdaq’s PHLX market, Hibernia’s co-lo between NYSE and Nasdaq, and its fast connectivity could prove attractive.

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