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Soliton Sees Opportunity Rise Through Collapse Of Reuters Reference Data Management Venture

Soliton plans to leverage its data acquisition technology and expertise to target the reference data management solutions space that Reuters is leaving behind. When one door closes, another one opens – an old saying but one that has real meaning behind the doors of Soliton’s offices. After a significant amount of time and effort spent…

Software Vendors Rush To Integrate Telekurs’ VDF

Telekurs Financial’s Valordata Feed has been integrated into the products and services of competing data integration specialists Asset Control and Financial Technologies International. The pair have taken different approaches to the mapping and integration, and there is divergence in the way they are promoting themselves and their respective strategies. FTI has focused on building a…

London Stock Exchange Unveils Draft Pricing For Enhanced SMF

The London Stock Exchange has published a draft licensing and pricing policy for its enhanced Sedol Masterfile (SMF) service, to be introduced next year. The new proposals provide for a one-off enterprise licence priced at £50,000 a year, which will be cost-effective for a firm with four or more subsidiaries using greater than 10,000 Sedol…

Xcitek Promotes Price, Schachter

Charles Price and Craig Schachter have both been promoted to senior vice president at corporate actions data provider Xcitek. Price, who has been with the company for 16 years, sees his role expanded from director of client services and sales support to encompass global sales. Schachter, who has been with the firm for eight years,…

FTI Hires Celent Analyst For Competetive Research

Financial Technologies International has hired Fritz McCormick as a competitive research analyst, dealing with marketing and strategic policy. Formerly an analyst at Boston-based Celent Communications he will be working out of FTI’s Boston and New York offices.

Strong Addition To HelioGraph

STP and financial messaging vendor HelioGraph, has appointed Simon Strong as programme manager for its corporate actions product eVent. Previously at TCA Consulting, Strong has worked in financial IT development and consultancy for over 15 years.

MarketAxess Hires European Operations Head

MarketAxess, a multidealer platform for credit products and provider of related data, has hired Iain Baillie to head up its European operations. Baillie joins from Schroder Salomon Smith Barney, where he was managing director and before that head of investment grade secondary trading in Europe.

M&I Picks XCB For CA Processing

Marshall & Ilsley (M&I) Trust Company has signed a three-year licensing agreement for Xcitek’s CostBasis (XCB) software and will use it to process cost allocation factors and tax opinions on corporate actions. Mark Cashion, assistant vice president, M&I Trust Company, says the move to XCB has increased accuracy and timeliness of processing cost basis activity…

Official Launch For Eagle Reference Manager

Eagle Investment Systems has launched Eagle Reference Manager, a security reference data management and workflow product. Reference Manager is a standalone system designed to consolidate, translate, validate and disseminate reference data throughout an enterprise. Eagle, well known for its EaglePace and EagleStar portfolio management and accounting solutions respectively, has managed data integration as part of…

Reference Data Comes Out Of The Shadows

It’s always a good sign when the editors of a new newsletter are flooded by market participants with news to report, rather than having to hound industry contacts in search of stories. It says something about the vibrancy of the market space. And so it has been with Reference Data Review. It seems that we…